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Environmental Protections

All Hoosiers deserve to thrive in a healthy environment enriched by the natural beauty of our great state.

We will create an Office of Environmental Justice within the Department of Environmental Management to build partnerships through outreach efforts and promote meaningful involvement of all Hoosiers in the environmental decision-making process.

We will promote policies that protect our wetlands, water, air, soil, recreational forests, and wildlife and fight against policies that result in their devastation, leading to unhealthy Hoosiers and communities.

We will create and implement an overall water management plan, including local control of water resources.

We will demand accountability and transparency of the environmental impact of economic development efforts, including that of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC). In doing so, I will call for a pause in the LEAP project as well as the southern Indiana Mid-States Corridor Project in order to audit the totality of the projects.

We will join the bipartisan group of governors in the U.S. Climate Alliance to further encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources and incentivize green technology innovation while creating green jobs.

We will uphold protections on the ownership and stewardship of our farmland against foreign adversaries.

We will support the further transition and expansion of renewable and clean energy for Hoosier citizens and businesses by investing in locally-driven energy practices.

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