SUPPORTING high-wage jobs and unions
DEMANDING responsible tax spending
PROTECTING reproductive rights and freedoms
DEFENDING public education
Jennifer McCormick is committed to
Learn more about Jennifer’s position on current issues below.
All Hoosiers deserve access to a fully funded, world-class education system.
Local Schools
All Hoosiers deserve a leader with integrity who will uphold the Constitution and protect our democracy.
Protecting Democracy
All Hoosiers should be provided with abundant opportunities to improve their quality of life and business be provided an environment to thrive.
Thriving Economy
All Hoosiers deserve access to affordable healthcare delivered by quality providers at all stages of life, regardless of ZIP code.
All Hoosiers should be empowered and entrusted to make their own healthcare decisions without government interference.
Reproductive Rights
and Freedoms
All Hoosiers deserve reliable and affordable utilities that provide beneficial services to our communities and environment.
Sustainable Energy
All Hoosiers deserve to thrive in an environment enriched by the natural beauty of our state.
All Hoosiers deserve a state government that can be trusted, held accountable, and works for the protections and betterment of all.
A vision for Indiana that includes all Hoosiers, from our largest cities to the smallest farming communities.
Investing in Rural Indiana